Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Song In Head #2

This one's a no-brainer. Thanks to the riff, the song followed me around for weeks the first time I heard it, not letting go even in my sleep: Cobain's nasally voice kept playing like a soundtrack to all my dreams.

Nirvana's version, of course, is a cover of this song:

But I like the cover better. With a core as earnest as that, who asked Bowie to jazz the song up so much?


  1. Kurt Cobain, I mean someone has got to give it to him add the exact tenor of pain into the mood, just by his baritone.

    1. Baritone?? Umm.. it sounds weakish & dopey to me.. but the fact is it's SO perfect for the songs he sang!

  2. Some songs just relate to us clearly..

  3. I love this song! its the perfect teen post-break up song after wicked game by chris isaac. ;) hadnt heard the David bowie version before. its another level.

    1. Yeah, I guess it's childish to compare the two versions.. But I know which one's gonna stay in my playlist for a long, long time. B)

  4. Not just this one either, the album has a few covers that are better than the originals (which is like so very exciting because I love covers). "Where did you sleep last night" feels like I'm being pulled apart by two trains. Every time. That man was a God.

    1. Oh no, you HAD to bring that one up. I should ready for a second session of Cobain hangover in my head..

  5. Kurt was one of the best vocalist the industry could have ever seen, or would be seeing. I love this song, since long, and everytime I hear it after a huge gap, it hooks me to its crunchy yet melodic tones!

    Amazing piece of music this is...

    1. Never seen anyone who wasn't moved to some degree by this music.. :)
